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Monday, November 10, 2014

my 5 fitness favorites

I saw the idea, "your favorite instagram accounts" on Helene's blog quite awhile ago. I knew I wanted to do a favorite's list that was based on fitness/weight loss accounts, and, after being told by a friend that anymore than five accounts would be excessive, I finally decided on six. What can I say, I've always been a little excessive. I definitely follow more than six awesome fitness/health/weight loss journey accounts, but these are the first that came to my mind.

  • Crossfit: the official Crossfit instagram. You know that I have a Crossfit obsession, and although I am not doing it as much as I wish I was, I love looking at the pictures/videos.
  • GraciesJourney: a weight loss journey instagram account. Tons and tons of before and after photos! Gracie is so so motivational. She also has a youtube channel.
  • MSHELLLLL: I just love all of her pictures. She is clearly so dedicated to health and fitness. Extremely motivational.
  • SUPERCLEARY: two favorites, Crossfit & Photography, all in one place!
  • GlistenFit: she posts workout ideas, meal ideas, and she has a pitbull. It would have taken less time for me to tell you the negatives (read: none).
  • Unifit_Inspiration: I just like this account for the pictures, lol.

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