I am in a fantastic mood and I couldn't be happier to share.
yesterday was a great day so I am totally ready for another.
so Breanna was high [cocktail of cough syrup, Benedryl, and too much Motrin]
that was already an amazing start, but then we shopped all day!
and actually, I only bought some cheap ass stuff and was still happy.
then I am sitting at home, relaxing on the couch, when I get an email.
I check the email and it is from Delta Air Lines!!
it is for a trip that I thought was cancelled!
Aaron booked our flights, our hotel, and planned the whole thing.
I am so excited and cannot wait to see Washington DC next month.
today I weighed myself and I was totally overwhelmed with joy!
I cannot remember the last time that I weighed this... probably middle school.
I guess I am feeling pretty motivated now. it helps that Aaron rode his bike to work.
leaving me at home feeling like a real bum. I am not even dressed yet...
so I found another great workout from Blonde Ponytail called The Dirty 30
it is happening today. plus I'm going to go for a run. must take advantage of this weather.
XXO Amanda