[but Helene actually got the idea from Alanna & Company.]
In the spirit of transparency, I will admit, I actually stole the complete post and copied all of her categories. And in my defense, I will reference my education: As my professor would say, there are no longer original ideas, so really, I am just fulfilling expectations.
4 Nicknames:
Amanda Panda
Kibbe - Breanna has had the hardest time not calling me this. It's hard to break a habit that you've had forever!
4 Movies I've Watched More than Once:
Step Brothers
Talladega Nights
When Harry met Sally
4 Jobs That I have Had:
Marketing Coordintor - probably my only real adult job ever.
Teller - I have been a bank teller for over a year now, and I really enjoy it!
Draftsmen - probably the most boring job I've ever had.
Cashier - I was a cashier at a grocery store and it was the worst!!
4 Items in my Purse:
Chapstick! - always a must have
My iPhone - it's my camera, my connection to people, my gps, my soul really.
Red Lipstick - because really you never know, and red is always appropriate.
Cash - Aaron and I have still been using the envelope system and it is seriously paying off!
4 Things I won't eat:
4 Things I won't eat:
4 Shows I Love:
The Walking Dead - I am obsessed with zombies!
Extreme Weight Loss
4 Places I have lived:
This one isn't that exciting (currently), but I can't wait to change it up!
At Aaron's mom's house - during the summers in college, she was kind enough to house me.
College dorms - where I met and fell in love with a very dear friend (Megan!).
My & Aaron's very first apartment - it was small and ugly, but it was an amazing experience.
Our house - buying a house was terrifying, but it was also incredibly exciting.
I am so happy that I created all of these memories with my husband, and I can't wait to have 4 better places ;)
4 Cars I have driven:
A purple Ford Thunderbird
A red Mercury Sable
A white Saturn Astra
And as you know, we just purchased a very beautiful new truck!
4 Places on my Travel Bucket List:
Bora Bora
The Redwood Forests
4 Exciting Things for 2015:
Tagging along on any and all of Aaron's work trips (Vegas!!)
Getting to know our new Airstream
Focusing time on cherishing my marriage.
Working out! I have a goal in mind and I am ready to achieve it.
This is so cool!