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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Top Five

Sometimes when you are sick the only way you can come up with new ideas is to steal them.

However, I am one of those people who do not believe it is stealing if I say thank you and make it known where the idea came from. With all of that said, thank you Helene, without your list of blog post ideas, I would have nothing to write about today!

Topic #16: My Top 5 Instagram Photos

1. This is the very first photo I took with my engagement ring.

It was an amazing day and I could not wait to post a photo to let all my blog/social media friends know what had just happened. Obviously, I had to tell all of my family members first... but of course they all already knew!

You can read all about that stuff HERE

2. This is my little poop in her doggy jail.

Actually, in all honesty, Kalie loves her "home". She feels safe in there, regardless of what's happening outside. And she knows that we always come back to let her out. Clearly, she told me all of these things (with her ear).

All we do is say, "Kalie, go home," and she trots off into her crate and waits for her cookie.

3. A detailed shot of my intensive meal prep.

I find my life so much easier, for me when I have everything ready at the end of the night. I get in these moods where I don't want to take care of myself, and having my meals prepped keeps me from dining out or ordering pizza (usually).

It's not a very good photo really... but I think its popular because of the idea behind it.

4. Excellent, a terrifying before/after (before/during) photo.

It's not that I have the illusion that I would look good, right now, from the angle on the left, it's really just that I cannot believe I ever looked like that at all. It is such a weird feeling to look back on photos and not remember being the person you are seeing.

Make sure you get caught up on my weight loss "journey" HERE

5. My absolute favorite engagement photo.

I don't even know what else to say about that. I love Aaron, I love the look he is giving me, I love water, and I love sail boats. This picture ended up being perfect in every way. Except that Aaron hates boats and water...

See, its still great because it explains our relationship so well: complete opposites.

1 comment:

  1. ahh I love this!!! (naturally). this is awesome. and i love these photos. also you inspire me with your fitness journey. you are incredible!
