it is obviously that time! that time when I post my 2013 review.
I am going to cover all my monthly highlights!
ya know why? because I like to pretend you care
especially this far into 2014
January 2013
Breanna, Aaron and I celebrated the new year in New York City.
it also appears that we have all lost a lot of weight since then! *shudder*
Aaron, Ryan, Riley and I took a winter vacation and went up north for a week.
I used picmonkey for the first time!
February 2013
Breanna and I spent Valentines Day together with MAROON 5
totally no big deal
I posted one of my most popular recipe posts EVER
April 2013
Breanna and I went on a trip to Chicago to celebrate her birthday!
you can read the birthday post I wrote for my best friend here
I got engaged to the man of my dreams!
also known as the man of my life for the last 9 years...
for some reason we also did this...
Aaron and I went to Harbor Beach and Washington DC
our first engaged trip :)
we started planning our wedding and I chose a dress
May 2013
Breanna and I went to the Taylor Swift concert
we wore plaid :)
I chose the food for the wedding and bridesmaid dresses
I got a horrible sunburn in my back yard
Aaron and I had our engagement photos taken
June 2013
Aaron and I went to see Danial Tosh
Aaron and I had our engagement party
Aaron and I had our engagement party
that's my little brother
July 2013
Breanna and I went to the Matchbox 20/3 Doors Down concertAaron and I registered for wedding gifts
I started CrossFit!!
and I loved it
August 2013
Aaron and I took a trip to Grand Rapids
we celebrated Aaron's 26th birthday
Aaron, Ryan and I took our yearly summer vacation up north
I did a juice cleanse for 4 day
we started receiving wedding gifts on our porch everyday!
I changed my name!
I got back into the gym
I still made time to have fun hanging out at the gym
I went to a funeral
short legs much?!
I made a slide show for my grandparents 50th anniversary
my Bubby had her 5th birthday
one of my best friends got engaged
WE bought a jeep!
I took the class to get my Concealed Weapons License
we celebrated Aaron's 26th birthday
Breanna, Nicole and I went to the most amazing concert of my life
Aaron, Ryan and I took our yearly summer vacation up north
I did a juice cleanse for 4 day
we started receiving wedding gifts on our porch everyday!

September 2013
Breanna and I got naked together and got spray tans
I got drunk at school
I convinced Megan to drop all of our classes
I met one of my new best friends: Kayla
I went to CrossFit the day of my wedding
Aaron and I went to Mexico on our honeymoon
I changed my name!
I got back into the gym
October 2013
I hurt my hand and had to take a break from CrossFitI still made time to have fun hanging out at the gym
I went to a funeral
short legs much?!
I made a slide show for my grandparents 50th anniversary
my Bubby had her 5th birthday
November 2013
I decorated for Christmas
one of my best friends got engaged
WE bought a jeep!
I took the class to get my Concealed Weapons License
December 2013
Aaron said he wished I was fat again...
I celebrated my birthday on multiple days
my new sister-in-law turned 13
Aaron bought me diamond earrings
someone threw a slurpee on my car :(
Aaron and I celebrated our first Christmas as a married couple
Breanna suffered from a tanning addiction
I think that is all I have!!
XXO Amanda
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