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Friday, October 10, 2014

Blog Besties

Another heart felt and serious post brought to you by #BLOGTOBER14.

Day Ten: I Never Thought Blogging Would...

When I started this blog I did it because I wanted to remember the fun things that were happening in my life. I started this blog to share experiences, document milestones, and definitely so that I could complain. It really blows my mind when I think about what this little blog of mine has created and helped me to find.

Now, on a regular basis, I speak to women that live in Ohio, California, Texas, Chicago, Florida, and Colorado. I have blog friends that I talk to every single day, from literally, all across the country. That is not something that I feel most people can say about their lives. And it is certainly not something that I take for granted.

These are women that I admire, that I trust, and that I often times will go to instead of my "real life" friends. I never would have imagined that blogging could help me to create such real and fantastic relationships/friendships. Even when I quit blogging for awhile, I know I can still count on these ladies when I come back, or for a little social media support.

The blogging community is something that I am proud to be a part of. Once you are in, you are in, and these ladies are gonna be hard to get out of your life. Some of these women I have had the pleasure of meeting in person, some I exchange snail-mail and gifts with, and others advise me strictly through twitter or instagram.

I believe that I am not just another internet handle to these girls and that our friendships are important. I hope that every blogger has the opportunity to feel the love that I have experienced. I hope that one day you have the opportunity to meet a girl through blog comments, try fake eyelashes together, and then have her as your wedding photographer.

I never thought blogging would bring so many awesome bitches into my world!

Kayla: My Kind of Yellow
Michelle: Mish Lovin' Life
Helene: Helene In Between
Whitney: I Wore Yoga Pants

Helene in Between


  1. That's so nice you have so many other bloggers who have become your friends - I honestly didn't think blogging would be like this, but I am so glad it is. It's so amazing that people all over can talk and make an impact on others :)

    1. Charlotte, thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my post! Did you know that you are a noreply-comment blogger? You have got to get that fixed so WE can talk and impact each other lol

  2. My post today falls very much in line with yours--blogging has brought so many amazing people into my day-to-day life that I otherwise would never have met!

  3. I love this post :)I could not agree more with it.. I love how I never thought I would become close to many of these ladies but I did & I truly love every minute of their lives that I am apart of here online! Some I have even met & I love that too... I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. blogging really does connect you to people you wouldn't otherwise know. thank you for counting me as one!

  5. This is so awesome!!! I hope to make some lifelong friends through this, and it's encouraging that you have!

  6. " I never would have imagined that blogging could help me to create such real and fantastic relationships/friendships." - That and so much more is exactly what i feel blogging gave me. Of course it costs a lot of time & effort to dedicate yourself to blogging, but it's such a rewarding feeling to be connected to bloggers from all around the world, that i do not want to miss that anymore.
    Luchessa @

    1. Blogging really is a great place to let out all of your feelings and also to find a ton of support. I think it is worth the time if you have something worth saying. I don't mind writing the posts that I am going to want to read in the future!

      PLEASE change your comment settings! You are a noreply-comment leaver and it makes it so hard to communicate with youuuuu :(

  7. I just love how many bloggers have said that they love the online relationships blogging has created for them!

    1. Have you been able to start any relationships through blogging? Mostly it happens for me through comments and the replies. Kayla and I just started the longest email thread ever because she commented on my post, and then our friendship grew from there.

      It'll be a lot easier for you to build those relationships if I can easily reply to your comments! Check your settings and make sure you have an email!

  8. Our "blate" will always be one of the best in history of blates... :)
