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Thursday, November 1, 2012

absolutely shameful...

is it really possible that I haven't blogged in over a week??
seriously embarrassing.

are you interested in hearing my excuses?
I will keep it brief. last week I was extremely busy with a combination of work and school.
I believe the busy and stress lead to me being sick this week. I haven't done much at all but lay down.
Monday and Tuesday were the worst of it. 
Kalie tried her best to take care of me, and the pot pie and t.v. all day sure didn't hurt!

I am feeling like a terrible doggy mom now on top of being sick, though. 
yesterday, Halloween, was Kalie's birthday. and what did she get? nothing.
I was unable to do anything for her... I feel so guilty!
typically she gets a million new toys and doggie carrot cake.
don't worry Bubs, your birthday will just be a little bit late this week, I promise.

I will leave you with some cute pictures of my siblings.
have a great Thursday and hopefully I will have a real update soon!
 princess, karate kid, and a lady bug


  1. So I just did this "Liebster Award" thing on my blog and nominated like 6 girls.. and its for bloggers who have under 200 followers; and I seriously thought you had over that so I didn't add your name. AH! Now I'm sad. Maybe I can go back and add it in?

    Anyway-- I've missed your posts this week ;)
    hope you feel better!!

  2. Bubby is so cute! Hope you are feeling better soon!
