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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

she's cute, she cooks, who is she?

guys, do you know Jen? she is so cute.
she's taken though, so, sorry to disappoint.
you can still be bloggy best friends though,
that is why she is here! read on ladies...

XXO Amanda

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Hi!  I'm Jen and I write over at a little blog called Mise En Place.

In my professional life, I'm a personal chef and caterer and a part time food writer.  
Needless to say, I'm sort of obsessed with food.  I also write a lot about food.
When I'm not talking about, writing about, cooking, or eating food (so, like the other 5% of my life), 
I'm a blissfully happy sort-of newlywed and dog mommy trying to stay warm in mid-western Michigan.
This is my very handsome best friend/partner-in-crime/future father of my children/husband, Scott Donald.  
Hands off, ladies.
And this is my angel puppy, Bella.  No, not like Bella Swan.  Gross.  Like Bellatrix Lestrange.
 If you're looking to expand your blog friends network and maybe pick up a tasty new recipe,
 come stop by and say hello :)

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