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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

26 in 26 [review]

on Sunday [January 13th] we.. I.. will be a month into my 26 in 26 challenge.
I mean, I guess it isn't going terribly [you know the saying, "could be worse"]
unlike most New Years resolutions it is something that I haven't completely forgotten about.
I have actually gotten a start on "many" [7] of the actions on my list.
  1. be in NYC at midnight on New Years Eve - COMPLETED
  2. visit California 
  3. visit 20 of the 50 United States - 15 states down, 5 to go!
  4. finish my portfolio for grad school - sorta started
  5. be accepted into the Masters in Architecture program
  6. finish all 3 studio courses for my graduate degree
  7. lose 50lbs - I think that this is in process, but the best way to track my progress is to really update my weight every time I update this post [monthly]. *shutter* current weight: 165lbs - 40 to go!
  8. run a 5k in under 45 minutes
  9. grow my hair out - touching my shoulders now!
  10. pay off all credit card debit
  11. pay off at least one of my student loans
  12. finish all of the renovation work on our house so that we can move!
  13. expand my photography skills
  14. stop swearing
  15. keep blogging consistently
  16. reach 500 followers
  17. get a job I love
  18. be a more positive person
  19. go sky diving 
  20. start a 401k
  21. do something helpful/kind for someone else without them knowing 
  22. donate plasma
  23. volunteer
  24. read and finish six books - I am finishing one today and starting the next one!
  25. complete a scrap book for my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary 
  26. go to a psychic and have my fortune told - this is planned for NYC in April for Breanna's birthday!!
overall I would say that my list is going fairly well for being only a month deep.
I am excited to keep this momentum going.
is anyone else doing a goal list like this? if so, what is on it?

tomorrow, it's OK Thursday and another travel post!
see ya then

XXO Amanda


  1. I love that you have stop swearing on your list - don't you feel like conversations with certain people including swears but with others - none?

    Good luck with your list - you are off to a great start!


  2. Good for you for having a list like this! It's fun to scratched everything you accomplished off the list, right? I had a list like this once... but I'm lame and never finished. I'm rooting for you since I'm obviously really lame. Plus I'm old so if I started a list now... well I'm not sure I'd complete it! hehehe
