it's Friday bitchesssss :)
that means it is time to link up with Ashley and everybody else over at Adventures of Newlyweds
Friday's Letters.
let's do this thing!
dear friends who read my blog, I love love love you! yesterday I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger award and if you look at that picture you will see that my button is being featured on one of my favorite blogs! I feel like the real deal now guys!! I appreciate each and everyone of you, and I can't wait to tell you even more about my life and other stuff you so don't need to know lol :) dear aaron, I know you were offended by yesterdays 'random fact.' don't be silly, you know that I love you and starbucks equally! totes kidding. you're my favorite and I would be absolutely lost without you. dear kalie, if you don't stop conniving and purposefully peeing on things because you are mad at me I WILL SELL YOU. probably. okay not really, but I will ground you and I won't let you watch t.v. for a week!
I hope this new addition (Friday's Letters) to this IS my real hair will help me meet a lot of great new friends here in the blog community.
if you stop by from Ashley's blog, let me know. I would love! to check out your blog as well!
have a great weekend everybodyyyyyyyyy
coffee is a very, very important thing in a girls life...i see no issue with this ;)