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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sorry I keep posting twice a day...

but I feel like these link ups make me look lazy!
I always feel it necessary to do a regular post too...
whatever, this is my blog! I make my own rules :)

on Monday I bought a new camera.
during our Color Run in June Aaron lost my camera so I have been cell phone shooting everything lol
bad bad pictures guys. so yeah! We bought a Canon T4i. I am in love.
basically what this means to you is that you can now expect to see a lot of random ass photos lol

 this is where I spend everyday all day.... gross. my department has no windows. the space is definitely not conducive to a good mood.

playing with the new 40mm pancake lens
on my way home from work yesterday there was a pretty sweet fire.
of course I took pictures while I was driving... 
honestly, I knew I had nothing to write about today so I was like..
"shit I should shoot this!!"
what else....
I love bacon...
and Starbucks
this is what I look like haha
this is the biggest BS post ever
I cannot wait for my hair to grow back out

until tomorrow!


  1. Ok, all I have to do is see bacon and I crave it. Yum!

    My daughter has red get your blog title!
