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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

sooo what...

so what! if...

  • i was late for work this morning. i'll stay a little later this afternoon, and the sleep was totally worth it.
  • i strongly considered getting Starbucks today.. on day three of my month without Starbucks.
  • i love candy as much as a small child.
  • i created a brief list of things i should do each day of the week:
    • Monday: straighten house
    • Tuesday: work on portfolio
    • Wednesday: homework
    • Thursday: straighten house
    • Friday & Saturday: free days
    • Sunday: blog, edit photos, laundry, homework
  • i created that list and then haven't done anything that i wrote down.
  • this list is totally brief because i am in a decent mood for once! haha
go link up with Shannon and see what everybody else is saying "So What!" to this week!


  1. I make lists of lists, then don't do any of them. Totally in the same boat here.

  2. I make lists AFTER I do things.. this way I can cross through everything witha quick ease and make me feel better about myself! :)
