the time has come!
the time, that is, for me to buy your love...
I hope that you will allow me to do so.
/eos tangerine lip balm - because I like it/
/cinnamon cider candle - because 'tis the season/
/mustache duct tape - no because needed, am I right?/
/nail polish: (248) Manhattan/Plum, (270) Sidewalks/Grey, (274) Matte Me Crazy Top Coat/
/Sonia Kashuk 5 Piece Brush Set with Case - 1 powder/blusher brush, 1 eye shadow brush, 1 crease brush, 1 synthetic concealer brush, 1 bent eyeliner brush - because it's cute and support breast cancer awareness obvs!/
/Eyelash Curler/
/Gold Liquid Eyeliner - because who doesn't need to look like a fancy hooker sometimes/
/Sonia Kashuk 2 mini nail & 2 mini lip glosses -
lip gloss: shirinking violet & sealed with a kiss. nail polish: undercover lover & lacquered lilac/
lip gloss: shirinking violet & sealed with a kiss. nail polish: undercover lover & lacquered lilac/
all of this plus (!!) a $25 Starbucks giftcard!
so... what are you waiting for??
enter to win all this stuff!!
EOS makes a rockin awesome shaving cream. It's really more like lotion. You should check it out!