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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

holy balls it is cold out

you should probably excuse anything inappropriate that I say right now
especially that title... that is a doozy [how in the world do you spell that word!?]
I am on drugs! drugs for my foot. did I tell you guys about this already?
they effect[? or is it affect? I can never get those two right] my memory...
so since I can't remember if you know I'm going to tell you the drug story now.. 

I am taking drugs because I just found out that I have gout in my foot.
Gross. and I am training for a 5k which I hope will then become a 10k,
then a half, then a full marathon. I really want this to be a long term thing.
have I ever told you that I have arthritis? Well I do, and now I have gout.
I am so clearly cut out to run marathons. yep. for sure.
yeah. training has made my foot crazy swollen and hurt pretty much all the time. 
so I have been taking drugs. 3 times a day. now only twice, though it is still messing me up.
they make me really feel weird. I have basically no concept of time, 
a terrible memory, and I say inappropriate things. it is a damn good time. enjoy it with me.

today at work I manned a bake sale for a charity event called CANstruction
you can read about it. I am in no mindset to explain it.
it was great, I didn't have to work for a good 3.5 hours.
then I went to a meeting about our teams design,
and then I started working on my blogs new layout.
do you like it? I just did all of this while on drugs, so if you don't please let me know!
I still have to update my signature and buttons. funnnnnnn stuff! 
I definitely need to get that stuff finished before October is over and I renew ad space.
plug for Taylor and Michelle
these ladies.. have grown my fan base like they own the blogging world.
 let me tell you something,
[again disclaimer! I am on drugs!]
I sponsored other big name blogs and my followers did grow I think... by 10.
sponsoring Taylor and Michelle for the month of October 
[before my giveaway] my followers have grown by 15
hello. that is 9 days so far! so yeah. sponsor sponsor sponsor them :)
I shouldn't even bother with this you all know they are amazing.

I have to run today, it is on my training schedule.. 
as well as the fridge where Aaron judges me if I don't do it!
Breanna and I are like super newbie runners.
we are running the couch to 5k program, 
but somewhat revised so that we can manage it.
tonight we are running 3min run - 2min walk - 5min run - 3min walk -repeated twice
longest 5 minutes ever! it just sucks to feel like we aren't improving.
I don't know if you have any idea, but running when you are over weight is really hard!
your legs are basically like "bitch you are heavy, please stop what you are doing!"
so we are just pushing as hard as we can because we are doing that race in December.
we started training last week and had 11 weeks before the race.
at that point we were three weeks into a 9 week program,
this means that we had 5 extra training weeks.
at this point that seems like a super good thing 
because there will definitely be weeks we need to repeat.

I guess I am finished... 
have a wonderful, awesome, super, fantastic day!


  1. I seriously laughed throughout all of this!
    I mean, I'm sorry about your foot and that is kind of gross but you + drugs = FUNNY!!

  2. Last July my husband and I did a modified Couch to 5k program. I was 240 pounds when I started. So, I hear ya sista!! Keep up the good work!!

  3. I am trying the couch to 5k also...I snorted/gagged on my water at "bitch you are heavy, please stop what you are doing!" My cankles (not really but I felt like they were) wanted to give out. WTG! I hope I can be were you are some day with C25k!

  4. I just tried to do a triathlon. TRIED being the operative word there. I made the swim & on the bike ride couldn't catch my breath. Long story short, I was DQ'd. So I can totally relate to you're body saying, "bitch you are heavy, please stop what you are doing!"

    It sounds like you're on a better plan & more dedicated then I was, so I totally think you can do it! Keep up the hard work!
